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Video Production Rates

Video Production Rates. View Preset Pricing Packages
We believe in simplified pricing for services, so we have included our basic pricing below for your quick review. Should you need any advanced video production services, feel free to call us at 972-559-4932 or contact us online. If you would like to select from a list of preset pricing packages, click here.
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Video Booking / Capture - Per Camera

Digital HD Video Capture / Booking Fee
Travel Not Included outside the Dallas / Fort Worth Metropolitan Area

Number of Cameras:

Preset Pricing Packages / Preset Pricing Templates
Individual Service Selection
Service Booking / Retainer Type: Booking / Retainer / Asset Management Fee: Select:
Video Retainer, Non-Camera Booking / Stock Footage Only
(Catalogue-Style Video Production)
Up to 1 hour, $100 per hour thereafter (per camera where applicable)
(Short Interview / Performance)
Up to 2 hours, $100 per hour thereafter (per camera where applicable)
(Corporate Meeting / Spot Promo)
Up to 3 hours, $95 per hour thereafter (per camera where applicable)
(Short Video Shoot)
Up to 4 hours, $95 per hour thereafter (per camera where applicable)
(Half-Day Booking)
Up to 6 hours, $95 per hour thereafter (per camera where applicable)
(Extended Booking)
Up to 8 hours, $90 per hour thereafter (per camera where applicable)
(Full-Day Booking)
Up to 10 hours, $90 per hour thereafter (per camera where applicable)
(Long-Day Booking)
Quantity / Number of Units:
Video Shoot Total: $

Video Editing / Post Production / Rendering - Per Editor

Video Production, Clip Review, Scene Selection, Editing, Post and Final Cut
Service Type: Editing/Production Fee Select
Per Hour $120.00
Half-Day (Up to 4 hours, $110 per hour thereafter) $440.00
Full-Day (Up to 8 hours, $100 per hour thereafter) $800.00
Quantity / Number of Units:
Video Editing Total: $

Video Space Rental

General Space. No Chroma Key or Cyclorama rooms. Chroma Key Green backdrop can be provided. Recommended for small shoots, speaking, interviewing or commentary segments.
Service Type: Studio Rental Fee Select
Single Session (Up to 2 hours, $100 per hour thereafter) $240.00
Half-Day (Up to 4 hours, $100 per hour thereafter) $432.00
Full-Day (Up to 8 hours, $100 per hour thereafter) $768.00
Quantity / Number of Units:
Video Space Rental Total: $
Video Production Summary


Video Production Booking and Usage Terms:

Each video production booking covers video shooting and editing using one camera, one operator and one editor billed according to the amount of time needed or allocation for the production and editing of video projects. Travel and special provisions such as additional cameras/operators, makeup artists, on-screen/off-screen talent, audio/visual aids, sets, props and backdrops are not included and can be added at additional costs according to your need. You will be billed for any overages.

Ownership of all still and motion photography (video) footage taken by KESHANDE Technology for this shoot is retained equally by both you, the Client, and KESHANDE Technology. KESHANDE Technology licenses and grants you, the Client, equal and unrestricted rights to use the footage for the purpose of producing, copying, broadcasting, publishing, reproducing, dissemination, demo reels, professional videos/media, promotional videos/media, entertainment videos/media, DVDs, CDROMs, display on the World Wide Web for streaming, customer profiles, galleries, public relations, press materials, advertisements, documentation, print collateral, product demonstrations, trade show demonstrations, sales demonstrations, training materials, television broadcasting and internet broadcasting when used in solicitation for benefiting the growth of your organization in a non-profit manner. KESHANDE Technology reserves the right to use this footage for the same. Any for-profit sale of this footage for commercial use by you, the Client, or your organization is strictly prohibited unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by KESHANDE Technology with royalty payment terms included for usage. Full ownership of the still/motion photography can be fully transferred to the Client for an agreed upon dollar amount paid to KESHANDE Technology by you, the Client.

If paying by check for video production services involving a video shoot, your check must be received in our office no later than seven (7) days prior to your scheduled video shoot. If you cancel your video booking or video production services thirty (30) or more calendar days prior to the booking date (also referred to as the date of service), any deposit or amount paid to KESHANDE Technology for the video booking will be refunded in full. If you cancel within thirty days of the video booking date, and if we do not obtain another assignment for that date, liquidated damages will be charged in a reasonable amount not to exceed the deposit or amount tendered. If you cancel within seven (7) days of the video booking date (date of service), no refund will be given. If you book video production services within seven (7) days prior to the date of service, payment in full is required at the time of booking. All video bookings and video production sales are final. In the event a video production booking needs to be rescheduled, the Client is given one (1) opportunity to reschedule the event for a later date as long as the request to reschedule is received no later than five (5) days prior to the video booking or production date. For any rescheduling of a booking outside the greater Dallas / Fort Worth metropolitan area, any charges accrued as a result of the schedule change will be billed to you, the Client. Any rescheduling beyond the one (1) allowed will be billed as a new booking accordingly.

Grand Total:


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For more detailed or advanced video production needs, call 972-559-4932 to obtain a custom quote.